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Nieuwpoort 2024

European Youth Conference

JANUARY 4 - 7, 2024


De Barkentijn

Albert I laan 126

8620 Nieuwpoort


Rooted In Christ



Thursday January 4  (between 14:00 and 17:00)

Sunday January 7 (after lunch between 14:00 and 15:30)









This year the following Brothers will be ministering:










The age limit is 13 to 33.

You must be 13 at the start date of the youth conference (no exceptions).

The price for this year € 150 per person for the early-bird discound (=paid and registerd before November 15, 2023).

Otherwise € 180 per person.


Payment will need to be done directly online (credit/debit card, PayPal, iDeal and Sofort bank transfer) with your registration.

Cancellation policy: click here.

Different arrival date: click here.

The preaching will be in English.

Translation will be provided into French, German and Dutch.

  • You don't need to bring any bedding, but towels are NOT included

  • Bring warm clothes, as it can be very cold

  • To play indoor sports, you’ll need white soled indoor sport shoes

  • Please mind to dress decently, the way the prophet taught us

We would love to have each group sing a special song.
Practice your specials at home, as there will be limited time to practice during the conference.
You can let us know what songs you'll be singing (with lyrics) by email at


Bearing in mind that many of you play instruments in your local churches, we can't have everyone play their instrument during the song services. For harmonic reasons we will play with a fixed instrumental setup. However you are more than welcome to play your instrument during a special.


Our administration can no longer provide any visa guarantee letters or visa invitations. If you want to come to the youth conference and need a visa, please ask a friend to write a visa invitation letter for you.


De Barkentijn

Albert I laan 126

8620 Nieuwpoort



Registration Closed


Please read our camp rules agreement prior to registering.


Registration deadline: November 30, 2023 or when filled up.


THURSDAY 19:30 - FRIDAY 10:00 & 19:30

SATURDAY 10:00 & 19:30 - SUNDAY 10:00


Bro. Timothy Pruitt

Minden, LA, USA

Bro. Danny Stemen

Myakka City, FL, USA

Bro. Rapp Crook

Toledo, OH, USA





Click on the image to download and print the invitation folder.

Nieuwpoort 2020 Youth Conference - Announcement
Play Video



By car: To access the parking from the side, please turn right into Veurnestraat 1, 8620 Nieuwpoort.  Parking is accessible on the premisis, but places are very limited so please park as close to other cars as you can.


By bus: Affordable bus rates are available via


By plane: Book early for affordable flights to Brussels Airport (BRU) or Charleroi Airport (CRL).

From Brussels Airport take the train and tram (see below). From Charleroi Airport take the shuttle bus or train to Brussels, then take the train and tram (see below).

Airline examples: Ryanair, Easyjet, Brussels Airlines.


By Train & Tram: Take the train to Brussels & connect to Oostende.

In Oostende take the tram direction "De Panne" and get off at the stop "Nieuwpoort-Bad". Then take the parallel road next to the sea coast direction West. The youth hostel is 200m down this road.


Travel price indications:

  • Train from Brussels Airport to Oostende: +/- € 25.2

  • Train from Brussels Midi Train Station to Oostende: +/- € 17.70

  • Bus from Charleroi Airport to Charleroi South Train Station: +/- € 5

  • Train from Charleroi South Train Station to Oostende: +/- € 22.2

  • Shuttle bus from Charleroi Airport to Brussels Midi Train Station to Oostende: +/- € 21

  • Tram from Oostende to Nieuwpoort: +/- € 3


Colossians 2:6,7
6. As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him
7. Rooted and built up in Him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.


Ephesians 4:14 
14. That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie inwait to deceive;
15. But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

WMB, 63-1201M, An Absolute, Life Tabernacle, Shreveport, LA
L-30 In the day that we're living in now, and everything is so breaking up, so fragile and carried away, I think that this Message would be a very appropriate thing, especially to Christians when they are going through their deep waters now. The Christian church is passing through the deepest water it's had for the last two thousand years. Because, we are coming to a spot to where there is something presented to Christianity, something they have to make a decision on, and I think that the Christian church ought to have something that they know that they are tied to, instead of just floating about like a leaf upon the water, the wind. As the Bible said, "Carried about by every wind of doctrine." The winds come and blow the little leaf this way, and then another wind comes, the north wind, the south wind, the east wind, the west wind. You'll never get anywhere, you're not stabled. The Christian life should be a stabled life. It should be something that's--that's a principle that--that you are tied to, that is more than life itself.

Want to be on the waiting list? E-mail us at

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